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Saturday 31 December 2016

Au revoir 2016, Hello 2017

2016,  the year when the highs were at their highest and the lows left us at breaking point.

This was the year we prayed Hillary would change history for women. 
She undoubtedly did, but she didn't win the Presidential election.

This was the year we fought hard to stay in the European Union, 
campaigning for months on end, but we left.

This was the year that we continuously wished peace upon the world, 
but countless acts of terrorism and warzones such as Aleppo made peace a dream once more.

This was the year where we lost so many notable figures.

In a world full of tragedy it is difficult to find hope, but we do. We pick ourselves up again and continue with our lives and fight for the better. This was 2016... but it was not all bad. 

2016 was also the year that world nations thrived at the Rio Olympics, the year that saw suicide rates drop dramatically. One that saw Leo win that Oscar, Tim Peake (our modern day space inspiration) return to earth. One that saw Obama visit Hiroshima and Britain have a woman at the forefront of it's political power once again. Whilst these are only a few to name this is proof that not everything in 2016 was all that bad.

I encountered a few of my own personal tragedies that changed this year, but i'm still killing it so should you.

We could dwell on the heartbreak 2016 has caused us but let's not.

The strive for success, health, happiness and hope got us through this year,
let's make sure it's gets us through the next.

Happy New Year my darlings,
it's time to slay.  
2017 were coming for you.
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