Inspire, influence and succeed with a touch of sassy city frolicking and your latest style fix.

Monday, 28 May 2018

Discover: Natural History Museum

Education is the most powerful tool of them all. It tells a story, shapes history and builds a picture for us to continuously discover for years to come. London's Natural History Museum brings reality back to life and provokes the questions we never thought we would ask. 
Regardless of your interest in history, the Natural History Museum opens your eyes to a new landscape, one where we realise how much we take the life we live for granted and another that makes us curious as to the creation of our Universe. 
Located on Cromwell road, this phenomenal architecture contains some of the worlds finest treasures. Whether that is the skeleton of a beached blue whale from 1891 or a fossil of 298 million years, the efforts to retain some of the worlds oldest artefacts do not fall short of admirable and fascinating. 
This free for all museum is a history lesson we never knew we needed. To quite simply explore its entirety in true depth would require a few days. Experience the feeling of an earthquake, open your eyes to the skies above us or take those fables and stories and realise the truths of when Dinosaurs walked this earth.
 These aren't fairytales.
With a range of revolving exhibitions, at a small additional cost (sensational butterflies), on site scientists actively study in front of your eyes (visit the cocoon). Immerse yourself with the living and the dead from butterflies to eagles, insects to ocean life. 
The level of intimacy is a surprise that just keeps giving.
Take the next step and explore the depths of the Natural History museum in the dark of the night on the last Friday of each month. Alternatively play detective with Crime Scene live and investigate for yourself. We have all seen Night at the Museum right? (set in the US NHM)
If you are lucky enough to visit our capital this is one hidden treasure that cannot go untouched. This museum gives us something we don't see every day and to be able to do this on this unparalleled scale for no cost is a rare opportunity. 
Don't be ignorant to our history books. 
It will be your turn in generations to come.

The museums blue whale was named Hope-
'a symbol of humanities power to create a sustainable future'
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Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Hamilton: Victoria Palace

Back in Summer 2016 Lin -Manuel Miranda appeared on James Corden's carpool karaoke (WATCH). So what was the hype? The interest around Miranda and the promotion of his play, 'Hamilton' provoked curiosity around the world. Hamilton, a successful broadway play long before Miranda's appearance on the Late Late Show, is described as, 'the story of someone who embodies hip-hop, Treasure Secretary Alexander Hamilton'. Like many others, including the Obama's, our initial reaction was one that was far from taken seriously but after conducting research and being witness to one of the greatest creations of our time, it's true to say we all admitted we were wrong.   
The story of Alexander Hamilton is a history lesson. Through three hours of lyrics the 47 year life span of Alexander Hamilton is told through hip hop, yes really. This concept is mind blowing however we soon began to realise that Miranda's creation is something unparalleled, something truly out of this world.  He first presented this at the White House Poetry night in 2009 playing the role of Aaron Burr in the song, 'Alexander Hamilton' (WATCH). This placed Miranda, an already successful broadway star, into the limelight; people began to listen. Six years later Hamilton dominates broadway, dominates every awards show, and dominates the globe. 
Sold out for three years in the US, it was announced in late December 2016 that Hamilton would be coming across the pond and showing in the newly refurbished Victoria Palace theatre. Eighteen months ago I purchased tickets and just last week I was lucky to be subjected to one the greatest creations I have ever seen, and will never forget. Lucky really is the perfect word to sum up this experience, proven after I saw the play first hand.
This story incorporates power struggle, the founding of America as a nation and a cast and story that brings together cultures from around the world. This story is about making a history and having a voice. Something that doesn't sound to distance from our world today? I spent the past year and a half listening to this soundtrack and discovered the story through solely sound. To then see it performed on stage felt an honour. From Lin-Manuel Miranda to composer Alex Lacamoire, this is a play that retells history like never before, an education that you desire more than most.
Whether you are a history enthusiast, curious around the hype or quite simply looking for perspective I can assure you this is a night you will never forget. The artists that have created this play have given us something we never knew we needed- and now we wish for more. The price and the wait is worthwhile- I knew this even before my viewing.

'Looking for a mind at work'

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Saturday, 12 May 2018


With SS18 in full swing and Spring fling almost over it's time we get our transitional wardrobe perfected before our Summer frolicking begins. This season combines the re-emergence of the past with the extravagance and daring nature of our current day trend setters.
Now it is your turn to join in.
PRAGMATIC PASTEL- We think of classic Spring and what do we think of? Pastels. For years we have reiterated this colour palette cliche but SS18 has turned in the opposite direction. Pastels are back and they are here to stay meaning the spectrum of shades this season are unparalleled. I am in love with this baby pink military style blazer from River Island (SHOP HERE). This Balmain inspired piece is effortless and a wardrobe staple in the midst of the Spring/Summer overlap.

WHEN BOLD GETS BOLDER- There is always one colour trend each season that provokes experimentation and appeals to the most elaborate of fashionistas. Well this season just went bigger and better. Many have termed this as the 'Crayola era', taking basic shades and injecting them into our everyday wardrobes. Whilst this initially appears daunting it widens our array of choice meaning whichever colour you find yourself reaching for it without a doubt dominated the SS18 ready to wear runway. 
CHECKING IT OUT- Just this morning I found myself lusting over Chiara Ferrgani's Clueless inspired lemon co-ord. Hours later I browse all my favourite high street stores and find numerous Cher inspired pieces, in every variation possible. Checks are underrated and we were subjected to a playful take on the SS18 runway. Victoria kept it classic, Burberry breathed iconic. This is one trend that will flee in an instant, embrace it while you can.

SHEER- I adore sheer and season by season it gets all the more daring and all the more liberating. Elegance and the most intricate level of detail compliments the many statement making pieces that are creeping off the runway and onto the high street. This is one trend that will turn heads and provoke curiosity whether it's at the Met Gala or on the beach.
TRENCH TALK - Trench coats. The coats that you love and the coats you don't need. Whether you are layering it up or outing minimal a trench is that accessory everyone desires whether its two or twenty degrees. Trenches do the talking so when you are in need of a little ensemble love this is not only your quick fix but your go to fix every time. The Celine SS18 runway justified this.

PRETTY ME PENCIL- Perhaps one of my favourite trends this season is the return of the pencil skirt but why? Whether you are spending your days in the office, heating it up on date night or partying in the city the pencil skirt is fail proof. If you are seeking the perfect day to night look alternate you pristine pussy bow blouse with an overly embellished sequin top and darling you will kill it.

Which SS18 trend do you desire?
This season is about breaking boundaries and taking the b out of bold.
Gone are the days where experimenting is non existent, these days experimentation is the inevitable.
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