Inspire, influence and succeed with a touch of sassy city frolicking and your latest style fix.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Marc Jacobs Ready to wear AW14 collection- Estilo Tendances contribution

Here is my latest contribution for Estilo-Tendances. Take a look at Marc Jacobs divine AW14 collection.

Click HERE for a read ...


Sunday, 17 August 2014

Laurens Way Wash off Glow- Review

 So you all know my love of being tanned. When the hottest SS14 ensembles are all whites and pastels my milky bottle skin makes outfits look washed out. I have always loved spray tans and have had my fair share of both good and bad ones. 
In the past I have tried a  Lauren's Way Spray tan and needless to say it was fabulous. However, what do you do when you dream of being tanned all year round? A trip for a spray tan every week is neither realistic or practical, but I have a solution.

Recently I had the opportunity to try LWTAN.
Laurens Way have simply mastered the art of tanning solution developing a shade for every avid tanner.  The Paraben and alcohol free solution means you can achieve that healthy glow without damaging your body or taking in any chemicals that may not agree with your skin. I have always been sceptical of using bottle solutions as I have been exposed to the many times they go wrong. After trying LWTAN, I am obsessed and aim to be a bronzed goddess all year round.
I tried and test the Laurens Way wash off glow in medium. 
Disclaimer: As many of you know I have just been on holiday to Turkey for a week in which some of you may think my 'natural tan' would affect the outcome of this product. I can assure you my body pre the Turkish sun remains the same as it was before I jet off. If you have been following my blog you will be able to see this.

Product and packaging:
When I received my tan and moisturiser the packaging was cute and quirky. The bottles are simplistic, practical and look totally chic meaning they are definitely worth a place on your dressing table.

The price
LWTAN is not only affordable but well worth its cost. Both the medium and darker ranges start for £11.95 per bottle and the darker than dark/solution 60 range are only a few pound more. What is even more exciting is my exclusive discount specifically for you darlings. Enter the code LWBLOG1010 out and receive 20% off online products! This is an offer you will not want to miss out on. Terms & Conditions can be found at 

Pre application
I followed the very detailed instructions to exfoliate at least 24 hours prior to tanning and use the LW moisturiser on any dry patches to avoid patchiness. Any moistouriser can be used not specifically Laurens Way, however I most certainly recommend this brand as the bottle is generous in size and the moisturiser is light rather than thick and creamy like many.
The application
The application of this tan had to be the easiest activity I have ever pursued. I already had my hair and make up done ready to go out at night so stood with my tanning mitt and the bottle ready to give the wash off glow a try. The wash off glow is perfect for first time tanners because it's just that, wash off ... so you can be reassured that your tan is streak and mistake free. There was no particular way to apply the tan except using circular motions with the mitt. I can assure you that applying the tan required minimal effort only took 60 seconds to dry. Of course I would recommend wearing old underwear when applying as with any fake tan solution it stains both clothes and fabrics. 

The outcome
Urmmm fabulous! My pale skin had turned to a gorgeous natural bronze glow. As soon as my tan was dry I knew I was in love and tanned day after day on holiday, expect one in order to show you before and after looks (needless to say I looked better with tan). 
The moisturiser
The moisturiser is a pre and post tan essential. I washed my tan off the majority of the time simply because I didn't want the chlorine to make it go a strange colour but for the days where I chose to keep the tan on the moisturiser was the perfect accessory to ensuring it never lost its glow. 

I could not recommend LWTAN anymore as the outcome is divine, delightful and delicious. I would be easily tempted to try the darker shades which are recommend for darker/olive skin tones- once I start going bronze I become a little obsessive! 
Just imagine it being the middle of December and everyone compliments your darling bronze glow.
You'll thank me darlings.

SHOP LWTAN at: and follow via twitter @Laurens_Way

*sponsored post

Friday, 15 August 2014

Au revoir with help from the VS angels

Yesterday I left the land of luxury and this gorgeous view to wake up to.
After lunching with Alexa it was time to jet back a home, a journey which seemed to take forever.
When we arrived at the airport the best thing that could have possibly appeared did, oh just my favourite shop in the entire world.
Need I say more? Oh and for the record I do not feel guilty about my extensive purchase. Ooohlalaa darlings. 

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Champagne summer nights

Last night I wore a Topshop floral scalloped top with cobalt Miss Selfridge shorts.
Once again we wined and dined at the Loveboat, we couldn't resist another trip. The cuisine is simply divine and the experience is worthwhile; it's enough to make you want to stay in Turkey (and that's just the food).

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Working hard for a bikini body

So yesterday, post workout, I decided to snap a picture of myself in my Accessorize bikini. I've worked really hard these past few months for a bikini body and I've continued my workout regime whilst on holiday!
Last night I stayed away from the tan and opted for au natural. As you can see I have a mere colour change and remain my usual milk bottle white.
After one too many glasses of rose it was time for bed. I love this summer sun too much. The only thing that will stray me away from post Turkey depression is my trip to Ibiza in 3 weeks! 



Most people turn their nose up at the thought of a holiday in Turkey, despite having never travelled there. Darlings, Turkey is one of the most divine places you will ever travel to. It's filled with culture, beauty, history and even those designer shops that you wouldn't be able to holiday without. It's not often I travel somewhere more than once (besides Ibiza of course) but this is my third time in the country and would I travel here again? Absolutley.
Last night I wore a Topshop lace top and duck egg scalloped skirt.
We wined and dined at the Loveboat restuarant. A restuarant designed as if we were dining on a cruise ship, cabin crew also included and the definition of perfection.
Goodnight from a land of luxury.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Cas-ual Sundays

Yesterday was ridiculously hot so I made sure to make the most of it poolside. 
I adore this Kelly Brook bikini from New Look, it is flattering in all the right places and I love navy.
As we were eating in the hotel rather than dining out we decided to keep things a little casual. My cami-shorts combination is from River Island.
I once again used my Lauren's Way wash off glow, I'm becoming a little obsessed (I need all the help I can get when it comes to tanning!) as it gives me a darling bronzed look.
I finished my night off drinking a Cosmo from a naked lady glass, only in Turkey.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

SS14 perfection - OOTD

I woke up to the most gorgeous view. 
Last night I wore a River Island playsuit (if only you could see it's true colour the camera doesn't do it justice!)
I got it from mama.
I couldn't resist wearing my bikini necklace with my new River Island playsuit. Keep your eyes peeled darlings there is more to come ... Follow my twitter and Instagram @tashaamorrish for daily updates. 

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Aloha paradise

As you know darlings I am now spending a week away in what can only be described as pure luxury. The beautiful town of Icmeler took me by surprise with how pretty it is. 
As we arrived at 3am it was straight to bed for a little beauty sleep. When I woke up the next morning I was greeted by this amazing view.
I spent my day exploring and lounging poolside.

I couldn't wait to wear my new bikini jewellery from Freedom which I paired with my favourite black Pacha bikini.
Last night I chose to wear a River Island cropped top and red Ottaman skort. I wanted to show off my stomach as I have been working so hard these past few months to get bikini body ready.
We couldn't resist going to the Irish bar for cocktails, you all know how I adore a Sex on the beach. 
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