Inspire, influence and succeed with a touch of sassy city frolicking and your latest style fix.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Coachella thrills, Valley frolics

We have waited an entire year and Coachella has arrived once again. 
It's time to get our pins showing and tan glowing to slay in the Valley.
Coachella presents some of the best style the Summer has to offer, so of course your packing needs to be on point. Follow these rules and darlings you will be the talk of the Colarado desert. 
DAISY DUKES bikinis on top
LACE UP PINS tantalising trend
CHOKER ME UP inner rock chick

BOOTING ME OUT festival frenzy
PALAZZO PLEASURES cover the bottom, kill it on the top
CROPPED CROCHET you wouldn't want to be cropped out
SHEER SEXY because its valley frolicking
FLIRTING FEDORAS oversized, overly pleasing

BUCKLE ME UP one of the only times vintage is a go to
HIGH WAISTED HINTING if you've got it flaunt it (you've got it)
MAXI MEASURES an easy show stopper
SATCHEL SLIPPING ta ta to your favourite Prada and Givenchy for now
GO HARD OR GO HOME hair extensions, hair colour
TIME TO GET SHADY go wild with your shades
PIERCE ME PLEASE fake that nose piercing for a weekend

BRAIDS FOR DAYS no reason necessary
HOT ON THE LIP brights only
FIGHT THE FRINGE never overly cliche 

HEAD IN THE GAME only hats on point
SPRAY YOUR NAILS switch up your mani
PRINT ME PLEASE because boring is boring

EMOJI OUTRAGE Real time pins, Moschino all around
FRILLS OR THRILLS? I'll let you decide
Coachella is here for two weekends running.
Sure the music great but we all know what's just a good. 
We are talking our favourite fashionistas and Ivy Park all over.
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Tuesday, 5 April 2016

10 Ways to kill seasonal blues

When the weather is a drag, your schedule is hectic and everything around you feels a little crazy you know you're in need of a little relief. Whilst we all lust after Summer and the festive period, March and April feel a little more understated. Here is a way of fixing just that.

Book a holiday
With April showers looming and of course the classic British weather I know the very one thing that tops my list of ways to kill seasonal blues is by booking a holiday. We are talking destination beach. This means purchasing an array of brand new swimwear, getting bikini body ready and a constant countdown until its time to sun it up somewhere deliciously tropical. 

Prepare your Summer wardrobe
Summer ensembles are everywhere right now and many leave it too late to purchase them. Of course those lacy cover up shorts you had your eye on are sold out in every size when you come to shop your Summer wardrobe in June. Now is the time to begin and by starting early and continuing until we are in the height of Summer you can guarantee your wardrobe will be extensive and excellent.

Sign up to a new class
For me I would love to join something completely out of the ordinary like a hula hooping or roller blading class. Now i'm not talking your typical sports classes that you will find yourself bored of within weeks of attending. If you loved them that much you would have signed up way before now.

Create your motivation playlist
Maybe you need a killer playlist for when your work out, or if you're like me one for when you are driving. Update your playlist with some power plays and some of the hottest chart songs. You know that feeling you get when one of your favourite songs comes on? Multiply it.  

Set an alarm
Do not waste your day away. Set an alarm for 8am every morning (if possible) or even earlier. Spend a little extra time preparing yourself for the day ahead and most off all make yourself motivated from the moment you wake. This isn't going to happen if you are staying in bed until lunchtime.

Visit somewhere spontaneous
Go trampolining, climb a mountain, visit a castle. Do something unexpected. Do something that will get you excited. 

A new movie a week
At the moment I absolutely love going to the cinema to catch up on the latest flicks. All movies are completely topical, provide you with excellent knowledge (you are always in the know when it comes to the latest chick flick)  and require minimal effort for those days when your free time is taken up with tiredness and exhaustion.  

Once a week indulge
No matter how caught up in work you are always take time out at least once a week to do what you would like to do. Whether this is partying, dinner or straight out chilling you will never find yourself in regret.

Take up a new hobby
Read a book. Paint a picture. Garden.
Do anything that will make passing the time away delightful. Never waste your time.

Purchase something you would never purchase
This is perhaps the one that I am best at. Whilst materialistic goods are by no way the way to make things better they certainly help. We are not talking expense however something spontaneous. Maybe it was those pair of vibrant sky high stilettos, or that matchy matchy co-ord ensemble. Shop. 

We all need a little Spring fever.
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