Inspire, influence and succeed with a touch of sassy city frolicking and your latest style fix.

Sunday, 31 January 2016

January Favourites

Darlings, can you believe January is over? 
I think we can all agree that despite it being the beginning of a new and exciting year, January can be a drag. Having said that here I have picked out a few of my favourite things that made this month a whole lot better.  
Charlotte Tilbury blotting sheets

After acquiring a collection of Charlotte Tilbury make up products over the past few months I was delighted when I found that the lipsticks were accompanied by the chicest blotting paper you have ever seen. Each little enveloped pouch matches a shade of lipstick. You simply have to kiss the lips, where they are outlined, and wah-la you have the perfect pout. Whilst this creation is a quick fix and ideal to carry around with you, these are samples and are not guaranteed to come with your purchase so be sure to ask for them at the time of buying. 

SHOP Charlotte Tilbury

How to be Parisian 
By Anne Berest, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret & Sophie Mas

Everything about this book is chic and sophisticated. Whether used as a reference book, or the perfect office shelve accessory, it is important that we do not neglect the mastery that lies inside. This is your guide to living like a Parisian. From what to wear, how to be a lover, how to cook and how to look good naked, this book is empowering, flirtatious and a must read. 

SHOP How to be Parisian

Conde Nast Traveller instagram

Over the past month I found myself falling in love with travel instagrams. Just the other day I saw that Poppy Delevingne was talking over the Conde Nast Traveller instagram so thought I would start following. I love everything about this instagram as it combines fashion, lifestyle and all the elements a wanderlust desires. 

FOLLOW Conde Nast Traveller (UK) on Instagram

Turtle neck knits

Whilst I have been wearing turtle neck knits since Autumn, over the past month I have found myself reaching for them almost everyday. When we are suffering from January chills we embrace the finest Winter coats however find ourselves leaving little attention to what we wear underneath. This trend comes in so many variations so much so that it is almost impossible to overuse it. Whilst these knits are often worn with jeans we can also wear them underneath our favourite dresses and pinafores to add a little formality. 

Anti-stress puzzles
By Dr. Gareth Moore

So one night, half a sleep, I started browsing online and came across this book of Anti-stress puzzles. Now I cannot speak for everyone and say that this works but I find doing such activities therapeutic. Whilst they don't 'cure' stress they refocus your mind, making you concentrate on something else. They make you think about what you are doing and make your thoughts clear and concise to focus on the task in hand. Personally I enjoy doing these before I sleep at night and would definitely recommend them.

SHOP Anti-stress puzzles

Piree Larger than Life Lipgloss by Nars

I adore this lipgloss and find it as my go to for everyday wear. Piree is a nude with pink tints therefore making it the perfect match for every ensemble.  Whilst long lasting and full of colour please note that this is a thick lipgloss so therefore should only be worn when you know your make up look will remain flawless all day (not suitable for when its windy outside!).

SHOP Piree Larger than life

Instyle Twitter & Chriselle Lim 

So as you know I am an avid user of social media and these two accounts have made my life so much easier over the past month. When it comes to awards season Instyle is in the know, live tweeting like myself, and bringing you the hottest style from every red carpet. When it comes to instagram and snapchat I have been living Chriselle Lims Parisian adventure with her. As she travelled to Paris for couture fashion week she gave us an insiders view of fittings, shows and everything behind the scenes. 

FOLLOW @InStyle (global edition) on Twitter & Instagram 
FOLLOW @chriselletweets Twitter, @ChriselleLim on Instagram and snapchat

Pretty Little Liars Season 6b

If there is one thing that gets me through every January it is the return of Pretty Little Liars. There is always such a long period of time between the first and second part of the series so its return is always more than welcomed (especially with the cliffhangers we are left on).
 *SPOILER*  However one thing that I didn't like about its return is Spaleb. Marlene King crushed all our hearts, as we viewed five years later, which saw Spencer and Caleb hook up. One week I found myself hating this and the next week I found myself adoring this hot new couple- oh please, these liars sure know how to excite us. 

WATCH Pretty Little Liars on Netflix

Karlie's Elle cover

So I wasn't sure if it was a little too late in the month to include Karlie Kloss' March Elle cover in this months favourites. First of all can I just say how obsessed I am with this phenomenal Louis Vuitton she is wearing on the subscriber front- the colours are out of this world. Moreover Karlie's interview is everything. From model, IT girl, coding student to every girls idol, Karlie empowers women as her two worlds collide and she takes us on her journey. 


Chinchilla by Ciate

As i'm sure you have seen on my instagram January was the month of grey when it came to my go to manicure. I found myself addicted to this shade by Ciate. These polishes rarely chip and last up to two weeks (from personal experience). Whilst grey has never been present on my staple colour palette when it comes to my mani it currently sits at the top of the list.

SHOP Chinchilla

What are your favourite products, shows, songs at the moment darlings?
February is here and now its time to talk fashion month and Oscars- our favourite.
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Sundays feel good playlist

1. WORK- Rihanna ft. Drake  Buy//Listen
2. PILLOW TALK- Zayn Malik Buy//Listen
3. STITCHES- Shawn Mendes Buy//Listen
4. LOVE YOURSELF- Justin Bieber Buy//Listen
5. SHOT ME DOWN- David Guetta ft. Skylar Grey Buy//Listen
6. THE CAVE- Mumford&Sons Buy//Listen
7. WASN'T EXPECTING THAT- Jamie Lawson Buy//Listen
8. YOUTH- Troye Sivan Buy//Listen
9. HYMN FOR THE WEEKEND- Coldplay  Buy//Listen
10. APOLOGISE- Timbaland ft. One Republic  Buy//Listen
11. BRIGHT LIGHTS- 30 Seconds to Mars Buy//Listen
12. FEARLESS- Taylor Swift  Buy//Listen
13. THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US- Michael Jackson  Buy//Listen
14. SOMEBODY THAT I USE TO KNOW- Goyte ft. Kimbra  Buy//Listen
15. OVER THE LOVE- Florence and the Machine  Buy//Listen
16. LET HER GO- Passenger Buy//Listen
17. WHEREVER YOU WILL GO- The Calling  Buy//Listen
18. HANDS TO MYSELF- Selena Gomez  Buy//Listen
19. VIOLET HOUR- Sea Wolf  Buy//Listen
20.  ALL THOSE PRETTY LIGHTS- Andrew Belle  Buy//Listen

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Sunday, 17 January 2016

A Happy Place

Have you ever asked yourself where is your happy place?
We all have one.

Whether life is a little crazy, things are getting you down or you just need to escape we all have that one place that gives us everything that we need- peace, serenity, love and happiness.

Mine lies somewhere between the city and the island.
When the city succeeds it thrives but sometimes the island provides you with all that you need.
You don't need to share your happy place with anyone but yourself however it is important that you take a little time out of your day to discover where you are at your very best. 

So when challenges arise, remember you've always got that one place.
Make this year your best darlings.

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Saturday, 9 January 2016

Shoreditch Lane | Spray on Nails


The worlds first spray on nail polish, because darlings your perfect mani has never been easier!

Nails Inc. are the first global brand to release their new range of spray on polish. After spraying your nails carelessly the only further action required is a thorough hand wash to remove any excess and Ooohlalaa your flawless manicure is perfected! Have you ever heard of anything easier?

Whilst these spray cans are currently waitlisted they are available in two colours Shoreditch lane, a divine silver and Hoxton Market, a vibrant pink- the wait is worthwhile. After the success of these two shades it is likely Nails Inc. will extend their colour palette. Have you heard of anything more fabulous? 


Wednesday, 6 January 2016

NEW YEARS EVE; Mermaid Desires

The party season maybe over darlings but everyone is still talking about what a glamorous note 2015 ended on. I never have a go to style when it comes to New Years Eve however I stay true to one rule, exaggerated is everything. I always shop for my ensemble after Christmas to ensure that it is on trend and completely spontaneous. I entered 2016 in emerald sparkles and pom pom sandals because things don't get any sassier than that right?

Dress: Topshop
Shoes: Asos SHOP
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Sunday, 3 January 2016


A very special Happy New Year to you my darlings! 
I want to thank you for all your support over the past year and the love and admiration you have provided me with.
Lets make 2016 our best year.
Lets make it powerful.
Lets make it productive.
Lets inspire.
Lets influence.
Lets make a change.

We've got this.
Love and kisses.

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