Inspire, influence and succeed with a touch of sassy city frolicking and your latest style fix.

Monday, 17 January 2022

Twenty two -

Love fiercely, and don't forget to stop pictures along the way - 
This remained in the Instagram bio of one of my favourite women, Chiara Ferragni, for years and it stayed with me. Now this may not be a centuries old quote from a classic novel but it is something to live by and something I think about each and every day. It's something that gets me going, and that is what 2022 is all about - living for yourself.

2021 was the year of no expectations, 2022 is the year of no regrets. It's time to start living once more. It's time to live for the things that get you going, and the things that make you happy, but - with no pressure.

As we speak right now its the Cancer moon and venus and mercury retrograde are about to clash. We all know what a retrograde means right? Uncertainty, emotion and a rollercoaster but lets make it over this hurdle because as February approaches we will have already forgotten about the hump.

This year is the time to grind, work harder than you ever have before. 

This year is the time to love, love greater than you ever have before.

This year is the time to live, to live more fiercely than you can ever imagine.

Take that leap, dare to dream and live beyond your wildest expectations. We have come from a past of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Your mental mindset defines how you live your life so make it for the better.

It isn't always easy being positive and you don't always need to be. Just don't give up.

Fight for what you want more than anything.
Fight for yourself.
and live for you.

Always here angels - 
Welcome to 2022
love Ooohlalaa its fashion x

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